Technical Reports

Roeders of America photo case study Cimatron

High pre­ci­sion mea­sure­ments from Cima­tron cre­ates a stronger process
Com­pa­ny Alpla Group 07/2023

Qual­i­ty mea­sure­ment in the machine?
At the Alpla Group in Hard, Aus­tria, the pro­duc­tion process was sig­nif­i­cant­ly short­ened by mov­ing the qual­i­ty mea­sure­ment from a sep­a­rate mea­sur­ing room to the RXP950DSH from Roed­ers. Imme­di­ate­ly after milling, the work­pieces are mea­sured on the machine. The mea­sure­ment dif­fer­ences com­pared to a coor­di­nate mea­sur­ing machine are so mar­gin­al that mea­sur­ing on a coor­di­nate mea­sur­ing machine could be eliminated.

Down­load High pre­ci­sion mea­sure­ments from Cima­tron cre­ates a stronger process 07–23

Röders GmbH RXP601DSH bei Fa. Circle

Accu­ra­cy and best optics high on the agen­da
Effi­cien­cy com­bined with ultra-pre­cise machin­ing

Com­pa­ny Cir­cle 03/2023

What has proven itself in tool and mould mak­ing is also suit­able for every­day use in gen­er­al met­al cut­ting. Espe­cial­ly when,
in addi­tion to good cut­ting per­for­mance, high pre­ci­sion and excel­lent opti­cal qual­i­ty of the parts are required.

Down­load Effi­cien­cy com­bined with ultra-pre­cise machin­ing 03–2023

ShapeFab Fluiddemonstrator

Glass, sil­i­ca glass, ceram­ics…
Ultra-pre­cise machin­ing of brit­tle-hard mate­ri­als

Com­pa­ny Shape­Fab 03/2023

When pro­cess­ing lens­es or oth­er struc­tures made of glass or ceram­ics for appli­ca­tions such as lab­o­ra­to­ry and med­ical tech­nol­o­gy, mea­sur­ing devices or laser tech­nol­o­gy, the “clas­sic” three-pronged tech­nol­o­gy chain of grind­ing, lap­ping and pol­ish­ing using three dif­fer­ent sys­tems dominates.

Down­load Ultra-pre­cise machin­ing of brit­tle-hard mate­ri­als 03–2023

Röders GmbH RXU2000 Halle

Extra large 2000 x 1800 mm with 5 µm stitch­ing gauge: High-pre­ci­sion 3‑axis milling and jig grinding

In many indus­tri­al sec­tors two twinned trends can be observed: cus­tomers ask for com­po­nents with larg­er dimen­sions while at the same time requir­ing enhanced accu­ra­cy and sur­face qual­i­ty. This not only affects tool and mould mak­ing, but also oth­er high-tech appli­ca­tion areas such as mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing, the elec­tron­ics and metrol­o­gy sec­tor, or med­ical technology.

Down­load High-pre­ci­sion 3‑axis milling and jig grinding 06–23

Röders GmbH Fertigungslinie Startbild Fachartikel

Hard machin­ing above 58 HRC
replaces die sink­ing EDM
Tool mak­ing: effi­cient lubri­ca­tion

opti­mizes tool life
Com­pa­nies ZF and MHT 10/2022

The per­for­mance and effi­cien­cy of elec­tric dri­ves depend on the nar­row­est pos­si­ble air gap between rotor and sta­tor. The trend towards elec­tri­fied pow­er­trains thus fur­thers high­er demands on the pre­ci­sion of the stamped parts required for this purpose.

Down­load Effi­cient lubri­ca­tion opti­mizes tool life 10–2022

Röders GmbH Fachartikel Festool Kernkomponenten 0322

Milling, pen­e­tra­tion EDM, mea­sur­ing and wash­ing
Mold mak­ing: auto­mat­ed cell inte­grates mul­ti­ple tech­nolo­gies

Com­pa­ny Fes­tool 03/2022

In mold and die mak­ing, a pro­found tran­si­tion is tak­ing place. The pre­vi­ous­ly favored jux­ta­po­si­tion of indi­vid­ual machines requir­ing high labor inten­si­ty is grad­u­al­ly replaced by com­plex, ful­ly auto­mat­ed cells with inte­grat­ed han­dling com­bin­ing dif­fer­ent types of equipment.

Down­load auto­mat­ed cell inte­grates mul­ti­ple tech­nolo­gies 03–2022

Röders GmbH Portraitfoto Anwenderstory Zeiss

Roed­ers GmbH uses the ZEISS XENOS high-end mea­sur­ing device for max­i­mum accu­ra­cy in mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing
From Users For Users: Ahead of every­one else with uncom­pro­mis­ing pre­ci­sion
Com­pa­ny Carl Zeiss Indus­trielle Messtech­nik GmbH 12/2021

In Soltau, Low­er Sax­ony, high­ly pre­cise milling and grind­ing machines are pro­duced in the mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing depart­ment at Roed­ers GmbH. The tol­er­ances here are some­times so small that cus­tomers were argu­ing about mea­sured val­ues again and again.

Down­load From Users For Users 12–2021

Röders GmbH Ultrapräzisionsbearbeitung Array Mikrolinse

Ultra­pre­ci­sion machin­ing of met­als and plas­tics
Lens­es, mir­rors, semi­con­duc­tor tech­nol­o­gy, lasers, pro­to­types …
Com­pa­ny son‑x, 12/2021

For many opti­cal com­po­nents, such as lens­es or mir­rors, the require­ments for the accu­ra­cy of the con­tours and the qual­i­ty of the sur­faces are up to a pow­er of ten more strin­gent than for oth­er micro pro­duc­tion process­es. Frac­tions of a microm­e­ter or sur­face rough­ness val­ues in the sin­gle-dig­it nanome­ter range are required.

Down­load Ultra­pre­ci­sion Machin­ing of Met­als and Plas­tics 12–2021

Roeders Flexible Zahnradfertigung - Flexible Gearwheel Production

Short-term pro­duc­tion of a fin­ished gear­wheel — Flex­i­ble gear­wheel pro­duc­tion with
high-pre­ci­sion 5‑axis machin­ing centres

The man­u­fac­ture of gear­wheels for machine build­ing appli­ca­tions usu­al­ly involves machines espe­cial­ly designed for the pur­pose. Impor­tant tech­niques include gear hob­bing, gear shap­ing, gear-gen­er­at­ing plan­ning, pro­file milling and pro­file broach­ing. Gen­er­al­ly, spe­cial­ized tools whose geom­e­try is pre­cise­ly adapt­ed to the work-piece are required.

Down­load Flex­i­ble Gear­wheel Pro­duc­tion 06–2021

Ful­ly auto­mat­ic HSC hard machin­ing
Automa­tion in mould mak­ing: milling machine man­u­fac­tur­er as devel­op­ment part­ner
Com­pa­ny Hel­la, 04/2019

Although com­plex injec­tion mould­ing tools are often one-off pieces, sys­tem­at­ic stan­dard­iza­tion of process­es and automa­tion of the machin­ing steps in con­junc­tion with the use of suit­able machines enables ben­e­fits to be achieved relat­ing to both qual­i­ty and costs.

Down­load Ful­ly auto­mat­ic HSC hard machin­ing — 203 kB

Milling machines for the high art of mould mak­ing What do pre­ci­sion milling cen­tre­shave to do with mas­cara appli­ca­tors?
Com­pa­ny Zaho­ran­sky Automa­tion & Molds, 08/2017

It is hard to find prod­uct cat­e­gories with aes­thet­ic require­ments that exceed those of the health­care & beau­ty sec­tor. The require­ments that such prod­ucts have to meet encom­pass all rel­e­vant aspects, such as design, colour, sur­face qual­i­ty or look and feel. It goes with­out say­ing that items pro­duced by plas­tic injec­tion mould­ing need moulds that ful­fil com­par­a­tive­ly strin­gent qual­i­ty requirements.

Down­load Milling machines for the high art of mould mak­ing — 177 kB

High­ly pre­cise mul­ti-pur­pose machine for the tool shop­Ma­chin­ing cen­ter for heavy-duty ser­vice in milling and jig grind­ing
Com­pa­ny Fein­tool, 12/2015

Fein­tool is a spe­cial­ist for fine stamp­ing and form­ing of pre­ci­sion sheet met­al parts for var­i­ous indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions with a world-wide rep­u­ta­tion. The top per­for­mances its cus­tomers require can only be achieved if the entire process chain from the press through to the tool, the con­sum­ables and the periph­ery is care­ful­ly designed and opti­mized from one source.

Down­load High­ly pre­cise mul­ti-pur­pose machine for the tool shop — 209 kB