Typical Applications

Reliably precise on every workpiece

Here is just a short selec­tion of typ­i­cal appli­ca­tions.
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Röders GmbH Drosselklappengehaeuse Maschine RXP601DS Schunk-Zentrumspanner
Precision Parts Manufacturing

Con­sis­tent­ly reli­able pre­ci­sion makes it pos­si­ble hold­ing nar­row tol­er­ances in the pro­duc­tion of parts, even when ambi­ent tem­per­a­tures fluctuate

Röders GmbH Detail Schnittstempel Joghurtdeckel

Jig Grind­ing
With Jig Grind­ing a very high lev­el of pre­ci­sion (< 1 µm) and sur­face qual­i­ties (Ra < 0.01 µm) are achieved on Roed­ers HSC machines. Due to the high stiff­ness of the machines the com­bi­na­tion of High Speed Cut­ting and Jig Grind­ing in one machine is pos­si­ble and results in large cost sav­ings for many applications.

Röders GmbH Mikrofluidik ShapeFab
Machining of glass and ceramics

Roed­ers expe­ri­ence in milling and grind­ing and the coop­er­a­tion with cus­tomers have lead to an excep­tion­al per­for­mance of the Roed­ers machines for machin­ing glass.

Röders Maschinenbau Blisk
Aeronautics and aerospace

BLISKS, BLINGS or Impeller require smooth sur­faces with­out any steps from the machin­ing process. Direct dri­ves in all axes, 32 kHz dri­ve tech­nol­o­gy and a spe­cial tem­per­a­ture man­age­ment in the Roed­ers machines ensure high­est dynam­ics and con­stant qual­i­ty also over extend­ed peri­ods. The cost sav­ings com­pared to stan­dard machin­ing cen­tres may reach 20% and more.

Moulds for fuel cells

High­ly pre­cise con­tours with small inner radius­es and high sur­face qual­i­ties are required on moulds for fuel cells. Numer­ous cus­tomers appre­ci­ate espe­cial­ly the high long term pre­ci­sion of the machines from Roed­ers for the machin­ing oper­a­tions last­ing many hours on one workpiece.

Carbide Machining

For machin­ing car­bide the long last­ing expe­ri­ence of Roed­ers in com­bin­ing milling and grind­ing in one machine leads to a very high effi­cien­cy. High pre­ci­sion and stiff­ness of the machines allow extra­or­di­nary machin­ing results.

Roeders of America Inc. Reflector OptaTec
Optical components

High-pre­ci­sion plas­tic injec­tion moulds for opti­cal com­po­nents, e.g. light-emit­ting diodes, are a new focus in the wide spec­trum of appli­ca­tions for Roed­ers customers.

Röders Maschinenbau Mikroform Uhrenarmband
Mould and die making

Micro-mould pro­duc­tion with struc­tures in the hun­dredth-mil­lime­tre range, dies or moulds weigh­ing sev­er­al tonnes, elec­trodes etc.

Röders GmbH Gear Machining Grinding

High­ly pre­cise 5‑axis, if nec­es­sary auto­mat­ed pro­duc­tion of dif­fer­ent gears as sin­gle pieces or in small batches

Watch Industry

High­est qual­i­ties at short­est machin­ing times are achieved by high pre­ci­sion air bear­ing spin­dles in com­bi­na­tion with the direct dri­ve tech­nol­o­gy of the lin­ear motor machines.

All mate­ri­als used in the den­tal indus­try can be machined ful­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly and with high precision. 

Röders Maschinenbau Münztechnik
Minting technology

Coin­ing dies are pro­duced down to the last detail by milling, with­out any need for reworking.

Grinding of a Draw Die

Off­set-free five-axis simul­ta­ne­ous machin­ing of a draw die using coor­di­nate chop grind­ing. The three areas plane, fil­let (R 5 mm) and oval open­ing (46 × 40 mm) were ground in one path with a ceram­ic bond­ed CBN. The machin­ing was car­ried out on a Roed­ers RXP601DSH milling and coor­di­nate grind­ing machine.


Through the devel­op­ment of spe­cial machines for great­est pos­si­ble accel­er­a­tions (up to 3g), extreme­ly short machin­ing times can be achieved with the same high quality.

Glass moulds in graphite

Due to the high pre­ci­sion of the Roed­ers machines machin­ing of mir­ror sur­faces in graphite becomes pos­si­ble, with Ra val­ues < 0.1 µm.