Machine Design

Röders Maschinenbau Achse große Maschine

Structural Features
of the Roeders Machines

Very rigid portal design

  • Heavy, robust machine frames
  • Low mov­ing masses
  • Lin­ear and torque motors (direct dri­ves) in all axes
  • Easy instal­la­tion with 3‑point support

Patentierter reibungsfreier Gewichtsausgleich

Patented frictionless weight compensation

  • Con­stant force over the entire posi­tion­ing range
  • Fric­tion­less vac­u­um hoses with­out stick-slip effect
  • Opti­mal for high­ly pre­cise dri­ve con­trol of the Z axis

Gute Einsicht in den Arbeitsraum

Very good visibility

due to large-sized win­dows and good acces­si­bil­i­ty to the machin­ing area from two sides; load­ing with a crane possible

Kompakte hochsteife Konstruktionen

Compact, highly rigid construction

  • Lin­ear motors in all axes for high­est pos­si­ble accu­ra­cy and dynamics
  • No mov­ing parts, no wear, high reliability
  • Roller guide­ways for low fric­tion, low heat gen­er­a­tion and, at the same time, very high rigidity
  • High-pre­ci­sion lin­ear scales

Kettenwechsler mit Roboterbeschickung

Robot loading of tool changer

  • Chain chang­ers also acces­si­ble for auto­mat­ic load­ing with exter­nal tools by a robot or RCM, through a sep­a­rate lift gate with­out inter­rupt­ing machining

Zahlreiche Wasserkreisläufe

Large number of water circuits

  • Machines com­plete­ly tem­per­a­ture-sta­bilised, due to a large num­ber of water circuits
  • For high­est pre­ci­sion the guid­ing rails and car­riages are option­al­ly tem­per­a­ture con­troled with a water cir­cuit direct­ly through the rails and car­riages themselves


Axis covers

  • Fric­tion­less axis cov­ers for best pos­si­ble dynam­ics and accuracy


Protection against chips

  • Spe­cial pre­cau­tions tak­en – also dur­ing tool change sequences – in order to pro­tect all tool hold­ers against falling chips