
RXU1401 – Quadroguide®

Maschine RXU1401

With QUADROGUIDE® for high rough­ing capac­i­ty, dynam­ics and precision

  • All axes with direct drives
  • Milling spin­dle may be cho­sen depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion, up to 101 Nm (S1) available
  • Ide­al for forg­ing dies, mould and die mak­ing, aero­space indus­try, med­ical appli­ca­tions, machine pro­duc­tion and part manufacturing
Tech­ni­cal data
Machin­ing range1400 mm x 1050 mm x 600 mm
Table size1400 mm x 1070 mm, T‑slots 14 mm, dis­tance 80 mm
Max. height800 mm between spin­dle nose and machine table
Work­piece weightmax. 3,000 kg
Feed0–60,000 mm/min
Milling spin­dle (stan­dard)24,000 rpm, 67 Nm (S1), HSK A63, max. tool diam­e­ter 35 mm (oth­ers on request)
Tool chang­er50, option­al 90 or more places
(chain chang­er – can be loaded dur­ing machin­ing),
inte­grat­ed mea­sur­ing laser
Chip dis­pos­alWith 2 screws into chip box behind the machine,
addi­tion­al chip con­vey­or optional
Machine weight~27.0 t
Required spaceW 3921 mm x L 5439 mm (depend­ing on con­fig­u­ra­tion) x H 3600 mm

Down­load Floor­plan RXU1401 — 133 kB