RPT Machine Models

Roeders Precision Technologies
RPT Machines

Roeders of America PRECITEMP - machine RPT600DSH

The RPT machines are the first machines with com­plete PRECITEMP®-Tech­nol­o­gy
and there­fore achieve the high­est lev­els of accu­ra­cy even when the ambi­ent tem­per­a­tures at the instal­la­tion site are not con­stant. In addi­tion, a new guide­way con­cept enables qua­si-hydro­sta­t­ic run­ning behav­ior with­out hav­ing to bear the high costs of hydrostatics.

The fol­low­ing machines are cur­rent­ly available:

3 axes:


5 axes: