Dental Automation

for Absolute Cost Minimization

Automation Maschine RCS 1

With the Roed­ers Automa­tion the max­i­mum in cost reduc­tion in den­tal machin­ing is achieved. Proven solu­tions allow for a reli­able pro­duc­tion also at very high quan­ti­ties. A sim­ple and easy to oper­ate soft­ware con­trols the com­plete sys­tem and insures clar­i­ty at all times, option­al­ly also in the entire laboratory.

Automatic loading of raw blocks

  • Load­ing of Roed­ers hold­er with fixed chromi­um cobalt disc into the machine
  • Auto­mat­ic clamp­ing on the rotary axis

Automatic separation of the restorations

  • Sep­a­ra­tion of the den­tal works into cups
  • Fun­nel and cup posi­tioned below the disc
  • Auto­mat­ic cut-through of the pins

Dental Minimale Nebenzeiten

Minimal non-productive times

  • Min­i­miza­tion of the cup exchange time in the machine (emp­ty against filled)
  • Cush­ioned cups for avoid­ance of dam­age to den­tal works

Dental Materialausnutzung

Optimum material utilisation

  • Effi­cient mate­r­i­al uti­liza­tion by one sided clamp­ing of discs
  • “Com­plete” machin­ing of disc, up to 30% more units per disc

Dental Chipidentifikation

Chip identification in the magazine

  • Auto­mat­ic check­ing of the mag­a­zine setting
  • Option­al labelling of the cups with RFID chips allow­ing for auto­mat­ic ref­er­enc­ing of the machined den­tal works to the cup ID by the software

Dental Chipidentifikation Labor

Chip identification in the laboratory

  • Use of the cup iden­ti­fi­ca­tion in the entire lab­o­ra­to­ry, for exam­ple at man­u­al workplaces
  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the machined den­tal work in the cup with a hand­held chip read­er is pos­si­ble anytime
  • Inte­gra­tion of a print­er for labels or oth­er devices possible