Products Automation

Hardware For The Automation

The hard­ware for the automa­tion should match the require­ments of the automa­tion appli­ca­tion as good as pos­si­ble in order to opti­mize costs, nec­es­sary space and efficiency.

Main cri­te­ria are:

  • Direct clamp­ing of the work­pieces or on pallet?
  • Work­piece weights and sizes
  • Machin­ing times per workpiece
  • Sup­ply of the machines with exter­nal tools from the mag­a­zine necessary?
  • One or sev­er­al machines to be automated?
  • Lat­er exten­tion of the automa­tion by fur­ther machines desired?
  • Need­ed access to the automa­tion and cor­re­spond­ing secu­ri­ty concept
  • Man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies to be automated
Röders Handling

In order to cov­er the diver­si­ty of cus­tomer require­ments, Roed­ers has devel­oped a large range of automa­tion solu­tions over the years. Start­ing with a sim­ple, inte­grat­ed space sav­ing solu­tion, all the way to robots on rails with numer­ous machines of var­i­ous man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies, all project types with dif­fer­ent require­ments can be realized.

Machine-inte­grat­ed automation

Cost-effi­cient automa­tion of one or two machines

Com­pact, flex­i­ble automa­tion of one or two machines

Flex­i­ble lin­ear mul­ti-machine automation

Heavy-load automa­tion up to 1500 kg

Robot cell, ver­sa­tile and short instal­la­tion times

High­ly flex­i­ble, suit­able for aux­il­iary func­tions or direct clamp­ing of work­pieces with­out pallets