Job Opportunities

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Roeders of America is hiring!

We are search­ing for a “Field Ser­vice Engi­neer” to sup­port our state of the art man­u­fac­tur­ing equip­ment through­out North Amer­i­ca. While our office is phys­i­cal­ly locat­ed in New York, the cur­rent need is for a can­di­date to be locat­ed in the Mid­west. Oth­er loca­tions may also be con­sid­ered. Relo­ca­tion to New York is not required. The can­di­date would have the abil­i­ty to work from a home office when they are not trav­el­ling and dis­patched to our cus­tomers when a ser­vice job is sched­uled. Exten­sive trav­el is required and is an inte­gral part of this position.

Roeders of USA Technician

Field Service Engineer

Job Description
  • Install, main­tain and repair Roed­ers CNC milling and grind­ing machines
    as a “Field Ser­vice Engi­neer” for Roed­ers of America!
Education and Skill Requirements
  • Asso­ciates degree or the equiv­a­lent lev­el of expe­ri­ence as a CNC ser­vice engi­neer or in the field of indus­tri­al maintenance
  • Expe­ri­ence in the machine tool indus­try is preferred
  • Tech­ni­cal abil­i­ty to trou­bleshoot mechan­i­cal and elec­tri­cal sys­tems includ­ing CNC con­trols and PC hardware/software
  • Abil­i­ty to read elec­tri­cal schematics
  • Strong prob­lem solv­ing skills
Company Benefits
  • Com­pet­i­tive pay
  • Com­pa­ny cell phone
  • Vehi­cle Allowance
  • 401K Match
  • Den­tal, Med­ical, Vision and Life Insurance

Con­tact us at to apply!