Manufacturing Processes

Integration of Numerous manufacturing Processes

Roed­ers has already inte­grat­ed numer­ous man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es into automa­tion solu­tions. Upon demand a mul­ti­stage machin­ing process is pos­si­ble. This means that a work­pieces under­goes dif­fer­ent machin­ing oper­a­tions in the machines. Elec­trodes for exam­ple are pro­duced first by milling, cleaned, mea­sured and sub­se­quent­ly used as elec­trodes in EDM, all in one auto­mat­ed cell.

Fertigungsverfahren - Fräsen

Before start­ing a job check­ing of the avail­abil­i­ty of the tools. Automa­tion of machines with oth­er con­trols than Roed­ers possible.

Fertigungsverfahren - Messen

Inter­faces to numer­ous mea­sur­ing machines exist­ing: Zeiss, Mitu­toyo, Hexa­gon, Wen­zel and oth­ers. Mea­sure­ment of zero point coor­di­nates or ori­en­ta­tion of the work­piece for the machin­ing oper­a­tion or qual­i­ty con­trol after machining.

Fertigungsverfahren - Schleifen

Inte­gra­tion of jig grind­ing, pro­file grind­ing, con­tour grind­ing etc.

Fertigungsverfahren - Erodieren

Expe­ri­ence in automa­tion with machines from Sod­ick, OPS Inger­soll, Maki­no, Exe­ron, Zim­mer & Kreim. Inter­faces to the indi­vid­ual pro­gram­ming soft­ware for the EDM machines already exist. Import of elec­trode data possible.

Fertigungsverfahren - Drahterodieren
Wire cutting

Inter­face to wire cut­ting machines available.

Wasch- und Reinigungsstation
Washing / cleaning

Wash­ing, clean­ing and dry­ing devices from MAFAC or Zim­mer & Kreim already integrated

Fertigungsverfahren - manuelle Arbeitsgänge
Manual operations

Pro­grammed inte­gra­tion of man­u­al oper­a­tions like visu­al inspec­tion into the work­flow of a work-piece in an auto­mat­ed cell possible