Machining Spindles

Machining Spindles at Roeders


For a high effi­cien­cy of the machine in the user-spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion the spin­dle choice is essen­tial. There­fore, Roed­ers offers an excep­tion­al­ly wide range of main spindles.

For a high effi­cien­cy of the machine in the user-spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion the spin­dle choice is essen­tial. There­fore, Roed­ers offers an excep­tion­al­ly wide range of main spin­dles. By means of a stan­dard­ized inter­face, which has been opti­mized over many years, espe­cial­ly ther­mal­ly, the main spin­dles are mount­ed in the Z‑axis of the machines. This allows for a cost-effec­tive change to anoth­er spin­dle type at a lat­er time, in case the appli­ca­tion for the machine changes. Options like vec­tor con­trol, axis cool­ing for high pre­ci­sion, lead throughs etc. are avail­able as need­ed. Roed­ers always has spare spin­dles in stock for all spin­dle types.

In case an appli­ca­tion requires very high rpm and also a rel­a­tive­ly pow­er­ful spin­dle, Roed­ers offers the pos­si­bil­i­ty to equip a machine with two main spin­dles. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found at: Dou­ble Spin­dle machine – Option Z2.

Tool Hold­erMax. rpmTorqueBear­ings / Lubrication
HSK E2580,0000.6 Nm S1air bear­ings
HSK E2560,0000.6 Nm S1air bear­ings
HSK E2550,0000.9 Nm S1ball bear­ings / grease
HSK E3260,0003.4 Nm S1ball bear­ings / air-oil
HSK E3240,0002.4 Nm S1ball bear­ings / grease
HSK E4045,0005.5 Nm S1ball bear­ings / axis cool­ing / air-oil
HSK E4042,0005.9 Nm S1ball bear­ings / air-oil
HSK E5036,00012.4 Nm S1ball bear­ings / axis cool­ing / air-oil
HSK E5036,00012.4 Nm S1ball bear­ings / air-oil
HSK F63/E5030,00021.0 Nm S1ball bear­ings / air-oil
HSK A6330,00021.0 Nm S1ball bear­ings / air-oil
HSK A6324,00067.0 Nm S1ball bear­ings / air-oil
HSK A6322,000101.0 Nm S1ball bear­ings / air-oil