RCM – Flexible linear Multi-Machine
Automation up to 150 kg

Automation RCM

Lin­ear han­dling device for sin­gle- or mul­ti-machine automa­tion with high oper­at­ing distance

  • Very rigid → high­ly dynam­ic, short han­dling times
  • Machines can be placed on both sides of the rail as well as at the front
  • Inte­gra­tion of third-par­ty machines, e.g. mea­sur­ing machines, optional
  • Work­piece and tool han­dling possible
  • Can be expand­ed in sep­a­rate stages
  • Chip iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the pal­lets avail­able as an option
  • Dri­ven by Roed­ers job man­age­ment soft­ware RMS­Main (installed on sep­a­rate com­put­er or the machine control)
Roeders of America Inc. button new
Direct clamping
of workpieces or on pallets,
also mixed operation
Automation RCM Greiferwechsel
Grip­per change

The pos­si­bil­i­ty to change the grip­pers makes the RCM high­ly flex­i­ble in the automa­tion of sev­er­al machines.

Automation RCM Beladestation
Load­ing station

For heavy work­pieces and pal­lets a load­ing sta­tion acces­si­ble with a crane may be added.

Tech­ni­cal data RCM
Max. work­piece weight150 kg
Max. work­piece dimensionsdepends on the machine being automated
Largest pal­letErowa UPC / Sys­tem 3R Dynafix
Z trav­el for magazine1800 mm
Width of mag­a­zine (per shelf)1340 mm
Grip­per changeyes
Exter­nal toolsyes
Can be extend­ed with machines of oth­er manufacturersyes