Optical Components

Röders Maschinenbau Optische Komponenten

Optical Components

Roeders of America Inc. Glas Prism 01
Roeders of America Inc. Glas Prism 02
Glass prisms

Machin­ing of opti­cal glass prisms with extreme angu­lar pre­ci­sion below 2 arc sec­onds, also for large prisms. Rough­ing and fin­ish­ing in one set-up on 5‑axis and respec­tive­ly 3‑axis machine

Since begin­ning of 2012 due to new devel­op­ments in dri­ve and spin­dle tech­nol­o­gy extreme­ly high sur­face qual­i­ties are achiev­able, which are com­pa­ra­ble to such pro­duced on ultra-pre­ci­sion machine tools (UP machines).

Roeders of America Inc. Reflector OptaTec

Pro­duced with air bear­ing spin­dle on the machine

  • Pre­ci­sion +/- 1 µm
  • Sur­face qual­i­ty Ra = 0.005 µm
Roeders of America Inc. Lens Array

Insert for injection mould of a mobile phone display

Entire sur­face pro­duced with Ra < 0.01 µm on the HSC machine

Surface quality after milling

with a 4 mm ball nose cut­ter, sur­face qual­i­ty Ra < 10 nm, machin­ing with small step over from tool path to tool path


of reflect­ing work­piece above