RCF — flexible linear Multi-Machine

Lin­ear han­dling device
for sin­gle- or mul­ti-machine automation

Röders GmbH RCF 150 Automation Aussenansicht

Röders GmbH RCF 30 Automation Aussenansicht
  • Very space-sav­ing, only 1.5 m / 1.0 m wide includ­ing the shelv­ing system
  • Very short instal­la­tion times due to the mod­u­lar design
  • Expand­able in stages
  • Arrange­ment of the machines along one side and at the front
  • Work­piece and tool han­dling possible
  • High­ly rigid, there­fore high­ly dynam­ic with short changeover times
  • Chip iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the pal­lets, LED sta­tus dis­play etc. available
  • Dri­ven by job man­age­ment soft­ware on sep­a­rate com­put­er
    (for automa­tion of only one machine soft­ware option­al­ly installed on machine control)
Roeders of America Inc. button new
Direct clamping
of workpieces or on pallets,
also mixed operation
Röders GmbH RCF 150 Automation - kompakte Bauweise
Robust, com­pact design

for very lit­tle space require­ment
and high work­piece weights

Röders GmbH RCF 150 Automation Greiferwechsel
Grip­per change

makes the han­dling of dif­fer­ent
pal­lets and tools possible

Röders GmbH RCF 150 Automation
The mod­u­lar construction

sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces instal­la­tion times and costs for customers

Roeders of America Inc. RCF inside view machine with robot
Roeders of America Inc. RCF inside pallet
Roeders of America Inc. RCF close up

Tech­ni­cal data RCF150
Max. Work­piece weight150 kg
Width1.5 m
Max. Work­piece dimensionsdiam­e­ter 320 mm or 320 mm x 320 mm
(oth­ers on request)
Largest pal­letErowa UPC / Sys­tem 3R Dynafix
Z‑travel for shelves1750 mm
Mag­a­zine width (per shelf)1400 mm / 680 mm
Grip­per changeyes
Exter­nal toolsyes
Load­ing stationyes
Tech­ni­cal data RCF30
Max. Work­piece weight30 kg
Width1.0 m
Max. Work­piece dimensionsdiam­e­ter 180 mm or 125 x 125 mm
(oth­ers on request)
Largest pal­letErowa ITS 148 / Sys­tem 3R Macro Magnum
Z‑travel for shelves1600 mm
Mag­a­zine width (per shelf)1400 mm / 640 mm
Grip­per changeyes
Exter­nal toolsyes
Load­ing stationno