Quality Assurance

The assem­bly sequence and the ini­ti­a­tion of the machines
are defined pre­cise­ly and down to the last detail.

Before assem­bly starts, all machine com­po­nents are checked on a high­ly accu­rate coor­di­nate mea­sur­ing machine. Impor­tant machine char­ac­ter­is­tics, such as the geom­e­try, are record­ed. The qual­i­ty of the elec­tri­cal sig­nals is noted.

After assem­bly of the HSC machines, their com­plex tech­ni­cal sys­tems are sub­ject­ed to numer­ous test rou­tines, includ­ing a short machin­ing tri­al. Every machine is test­ed in this way by Roed­ers appli­ca­tion specialists.

Logo Certificate TUEV Sued ISO 9001:2015

Our machine tool depart­ment has been cer­ti­fied accord­ing to ISO 9001:2015 by the TÜV Süd.

Down­load Certificate