CAM Support

Application Support

The effi­cien­cy of milling or grind­ing depends on a vari­ety of para­me­ters.
The HSC machine is just one of these parameters.

The strong advan­tages and out­stand­ing results pos­si­ble with High Speed Cut­ting can only be achieved if all para­me­ters are optimised.

A spe­cial­ist always offers more in his field than a gen­er­al­ist. There­fore, Roed­ers delib­er­ate­ly decid­ed not to devel­op oth­er tech­nolo­gies but to focus com­plete­ly on HSC machin­ing. Roed­ers’ years of expe­ri­ence, also in its own mould pro­duc­tion, as well as a well-equipped appli­ca­tion and test cen­tre are the sound foun­da­tion for cus­tomer support.

Roed­ers has in-house CAM pro­gram­mers that are pro­fi­cient in the use of the lead­ing CAD/CAM sys­tems, and can there­fore offer on-site cus­tomer sup­port or spe­cial program­ming train­ing on the customer’s own CAM sys­tem. If desired, machin­ing tests can be per­formed with the customer’s CAM system.