Precision Parts Manufacturing

Röders Maschinenbau Produktion

Precision Parts Manufacturing

With Roed­ers machines, you reli­ably and per­ma­nent­ly hold very small tol­er­ances in the parts pro­duc­tion. If nec­es­sary, you can com­bine milling and grind­ing in one set-up for opti­mal results. The PRECITEMP® tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped by Roed­ers over many years ensures a ther­mal­ly robust machine struc­ture, so that no ther­mal drifts occur even with fluc­tu­at­ing ambi­ent tem­per­a­tures and the machine zero points remain sta­ble and unchanged. In this way, you cre­ate the con­di­tions for a high­ly effi­cient automa­tion with low­est staff require­ments pos­si­ble. Roed­ers offers numer­ous han­dling devices and soft­ware solu­tions that have been proven for many years.

Roeders GmbH Drosselklappengehaeuse
Throttle valve housing

Tol­er­ances down to 0.01 mm, sur­face qual­i­ty Ra 0.2 µm

Housing for a hydraulic pump

Tol­er­ances of the “dou­ble holes” (posi­tion and round­ness) < 1 µm


Implant machined from sol­id block

Roeders GmbH Halsplatte für Blasform
Neck plate for blow mould

pro­duced in two set-ups, tol­er­ances 0.01 mm


pro­duced by milling and grind­ing in one set-up, tol­er­ances small­er than 1 µm

Roeders GmbH Massstabshalter fuer Glasmassstab
Reading head holder for linear scale

machined in 2 set-ups, tol­er­ances 0.01 mm

Roeders GmbH Gehaeuseteile fuer Kieferscanner
Housing of a jaw scanner

high sur­face qual­i­ty for coat­ing necessary

Optikhalter für Präzisionsoptik
Optical mount for precision lenses

Series pro­duc­tion, machined from the sol­id, round­ness < 2 µm

Kleinserien und Prototypen
Small batches and prototypes

Hous­ing for elec­tri­cal components

Druckkopf aus Graphit
Printing head for high-performance printers, machined in graphite

Ful­ly auto­mat­ed high-pre­ci­sion series production 


com­plete­ly machined

Design study

fin­ish-machined in one set-up from 5 sides

Small batch – automotive

Gear knob and tank cap machined from the sol­id in 5 axes, to save the mould costs for small quantities

Kleinserie Fahrradteil
Small batch – bicycle parts

Machined from the sol­id in 5 axes