Control Updates

Maschine RMS / RFM

This unique ser­vice makes it pos­si­ble to update the Roed­ers con­trol cost-effec­tive­ly to the newest ver­sion on all machines deliv­ered since 1995.

As a result, the machin­ing times are reduced con­sid­er­ably, togeth­er with a dis­tinct improve­ment in accu­ra­cy and sur­face qual­i­ty. In this way, even old­er machines are able to ben­e­fit from the con­tin­u­ous and inten­sive advance­ment of the Roed­ers con­trol systems.

This is anoth­er rea­son why the Roed­ers HSC machines have such a high intrin­sic val­ue.
Also for the automa­tion from Roed­ers soft­ware updates are avail­able, which main­ly increase the functionality.