RXD Machines

Röders Maschinenbau Dentaltechnik


Dental-Maschine RXD5

With iden­ti­cal out­er dimen­sions the High Speed Den­tal Milling Machines RXD4 and RXD5 dif­fer only in the num­ber of the inte­grat­ed axes.

RXD4 4-Achsdentalfraese

RXD4 – 4‑Axis Dental Machine

  • 180° swiv­el axis as fourth axis
  • 2 swiv­el posi­tions for machin­ing the upper and low­er side (0° and 180°)
  • Auto­mat­ic clamp­ing unit for fix­ing the Roed­ers disc hold­er on the swiv­el axis
  • One sided clamp­ing of the disc in the Roed­ers disc hold­er for opti­mum mate­r­i­al utilization
Innenraum RXD5 5-Achsdentalfraese

RXD5 and RXD5C – 5‑Axis Dental Machine

  • RXD5C for very large swiv­el angles up to 135°, RXD5 up to 115°
  • Inte­grat­ed high­ly dynam­ic rotary swiv­el unit for simul­ta­ne­ous 5‑axis machin­ing, posi­tioned freely
  • Equipped with wear-free direct drives
  • Extreme­ly stiff con­struc­tion with counter bearing
  • Auto­mat­ic clamp­ing unit for fix­ing the Roed­ers disc holder
  • One sided clamp­ing of the disc in the Roed­ers disc hold­er for opti­mum mate­r­i­al utilization

The machine Technology in Detail

Kompakte hochsteife Konstruktionen

Modern linear motor technology

  • Lin­ear motor tech­nol­o­gy in all axes for high­est pre­ci­sion and dynamics
  • Wear-free and there­by high reliability
  • Water cooled for high effi­cien­cy and long durability

Laser measurement of the tools

  • High­ly pre­cise tool mea­sure­ment with the mea­sur­ing laser
  • Tool break­age detec­tion and wear con­trol also possible
  • Pro­tect­ed against chips in the tool changer

Smallest Increments

High precision

  • Axis move­ment in small­est incre­ments pos­si­ble for high­est precision
  • Inter­nal res­o­lu­tion of the con­trol small­er than 1 nanometer

Integrierter Werkzeugwechsler

Integrated tool changer

  • Auto­mat­ic tool changer
  • Exchange of sis­ter tools depend­ing on tool wear possible


  • Ener­gy sav­ing mod­ern dri­ve and lin­ear motor tech­nol­o­gy, espe­cial­ly com­pared to machines with ball screws

Tech­ni­cal specifications
Con­struc­tionhigh­ly rigid por­tal design
Feed0–42,000 mm/min
Speed50,000 rpm, HSK E25 Standard
Work piece clampingone sided with spe­cial Roed­ers holder
Tool chang­er12 places Stan­dard, option­al­ly 40 places
Tool mea­sure­mentful­ly auto­mat­ic with inte­grat­ed mea­sur­ing laser
Dust exhaus­tionoption­al, large fil­ter sur­face and auto­mat­ic fil­ter cleaning
Machine weight~3.2 t
Required spaceW 2430 mm x L 1850 mm x H 2080 mm (RXD5C: H 2170 mm)

Down­load Floor­plan RXD4/5 — 128 kB