Double Spindle Machine

Detail Zweispindler

Double Spindle Machine – Option “Z2”

Innenraum Z1 Zweispindler

In some appli­ca­tions the choice of the main spin­dle is dif­fi­cult, because either the max­i­mum RPM of the main spin­dle is not suf­fi­cient or the max­i­mum tool size allowed in the spin­dle is not large enough. This affects espe­cial­ly machines for jig grind­ing, in case very small radii, for exam­ple in small holes, are to be machined with very high rpm, but also where larg­er tools are required for oth­er operations.

In such cas­es, Roed­ers offers the pos­si­bil­i­ty to equip a machine with 2 main spin­dles, one more robust for larg­er tools and one with high rpm, for example:

  • Spin­dle 1: with ball bear­ings, HSK E50, 36,000 rpm max.
  • Spin­dle 2: with air bear­ings, HSK E25, 80,000 rpm max.

Both spin­dles are ful­ly inte­grat­ed in the machine so that the auto­mat­ic tool chang­er, laser mea­sure­ment, dif­fer­ent coolants, 3D touch probe and in jig grind­ing machines all of the equip­ment for dress­ing, sound detec­tion etc. are avail­able for each spindle.

The axes of both spin­dles have a short dis­tance to each oth­er, but the spin­dles are high­ly pre­cise­ly tem­pered with sev­er­al cool­ing cir­cuits. This ensures that the dis­tance between the spin­dles and the posi­tions of the spin­dles remain absolute­ly con­stant. As a result, in appli­ca­tions where both spin­dles are used a very high con­sis­ten­cy of the work piece ori­gin is achieved. Two spin­dles are uti­lized for one work piece set-up.

The option “Z2” cur­rent­ly is avail­able for the machines RXP501, RXP501DS, RXP501DSC, RXP601DS, RXP601DSH, RXP801, RXP950, RXP950DSH and for all RXU machines. In the RXP machines the dis­tance between the two spin­dle axes is 150 mm, in the RXU machines the dis­tance is 225 mm.
Oth­er machine mod­els may be equipped with two spin­dles upon request.

Tool chang­er for two main spin­dles with dif­fer­ent HSK holders

Werkzeugwechsler für zwei Hauptspindeln