RCI‑P – Machine integrated automation

Chang­er for work­pieces firm­ly inte­grat­ed into the machine

  • High space-sav­ings (machine is extend­ed by about 1 m in the front)
  • Short instal­la­tion times at the customer
  • Dri­ven by Roed­ers job man­age­ment soft­ware RMSMain
  • on the machine control
  • Chip iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the pal­lets avail­able as an option
  • Exter­nal tool change not possible

Tech­ni­cal data
Max. Work­piece weight5 kg
Max. work­piece dimensions100 mm x 100 mm (option­al­ly larger)
Largest pal­letErowa ITS 72 / Sys­tem 3R Macro
Grip­per changeno
Exter­nal toolsno