Job Management

Job Or Cell Management

The core of automa­tion is the job man­age­ment soft­ware, in case of automa­tion of sev­er­al machines in one cell it is also called cell man­age­ment. RMS­Main is easy to oper­ate and fast. Man­u­al input is min­i­mized as much as pos­si­ble. Indi­vid­ual soft­ware mod­ules may flex­i­bly be com­bined with solu­tions of oth­er sup­pli­ers via numer­ous inter­faces (umati, OPC UA, XML, TCP/IP). Only a small choice of the func­tion­al­i­ties of the RMS­Main is shown.


By clever pro­grammed Post Proces­sors the jobs for machin­ing the indi­vid­ual work­pieces are auto­mat­i­cal­ly pre­pared in the CAM-sys­tem. The jobs only have to be tak­en over in RMS­Main. Man­u­al input is avoided.

Chipidentifikation, Rüsten
Chipidentification / Set-up

The assign­ment of a pal­let with a blank work­piece or a pre-machined work­piece to a machin­ing job is accom­plished with­in seconds.

Interlinked machining processes

In cells with sev­er­al machines it is pos­si­ble to define a through­put for a work­piece with dif­fer­ent machin­ing oper­a­tions in dif­fer­ent machines.

Administration of blank workpieces

In the pro­duc­tion of elec­trodes but also in oth­er appli­ca­tions stan­dard­ized blank work­pieces are often used. They have stan­dard­ized sizes and cor­re­spond to defined blank work­piece types. With the chip-ID the blank work­piece type is iden­ti­fied dur­ing set-up. Then the blank work­piece may be put any­where into the mag­a­zine. The automa­tion rec­og­nizes the avail­able blank work­piece type by read­ing the chip-ID on the pal­let. The RMS­Main auto­mat­i­cal­ly requests the blank work-piece type pro­grammed in the job and makes the automa­tion load it into the machine. Option­al­ly, before the machin­ing of the work­piece starts a check by mea­sur­ing the blank work­piece with the touch probe is pos­si­ble. In case an oper­a­tor has made a mis­take with the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of a blank work­piece type this will sure­ly be detect­ed. Alter­na­tive­ly, an auto­mat­ic mea­sure­ment of the blank work­pieces in the automa­tion is fea­si­ble, for auto­mat­ic recog­ni­tion of the blank work­piece type and sort­ing out blank work­pieces with wrong dimensions.

LED Status Indicator

The shelves of the mag­a­zines may be equipped with LED’s for depict­ing the sta­tus of the work­pieces:
not machined /
fin­ished with good qual­i­ty /
fin­ished but not okay /
wait­ing for man­u­al oper­a­tion /
in process /

Sim­i­lar sta­tus indi­ca­tions with LED tech­nol­o­gy are also avail­able for exter­nal cut­ting tools.

Calculation of the machining progress

In the Sta­tus Mon­i­tor as well as in the RMS­Main the machin­ing progress and the expect­ed com­ple­tion of the machin­ing may be looked at for every machine at any time.

Monitor Prioritäten

Jobs and their pri­or­i­ties just like block­ing and free­ing of jobs are defined with few mouse clicks only.

Zentrales Datenbanksystem
Central data base

All data is stored in one secured data base sys­tem only. Full data con­sis­ten­cy pre­vents errors, which might result from out­dat­ed or copied data.

Nutzung Geometriedaten
Consistent geometry data

Zero point data or pre­set val­ues for elec­trodes may be mea­sured and used for sub­se­quent machin­ing operations.

RMSMain for workshop planning

RMS­Main can also be used for the plan­ning of the work (pri­or­i­ties) in indi­vid­ual not auto­mat­ed machines.

Grafik PPS / ERP
Interfaces to PPS and ERP systems

The XML based inter­face can eas­i­ly be used for any desired PPS or ERP sys­tem, amongst oth­ers Beosys, IKOf­fice, Hum­ming­bird Sys­tems or SAP.

Quality control

Espe­cial­ly sim­ple to use is the Roed­ers spe­cif­ic takeover of mea­sur­ing points into a job for qual­i­ty con­trol. Cum­ber­some pro­gram­ming is not nec­es­sary. A graph­ic 3D-PDF file is gen­er­at­ed as mea­sur­ing pro­to­col of this “in-machine-ver­i­fi­ca­tion”.

Intelligent reaction to malfunctions

In case of a mal­func­tion in a machine the automa­tion con­tin­ues oper­at­ing and serv­ing still avail­able machines in a cell and respect­ing the priorities.

SMS / E-Mail-Nachrichten

In case of mal­func­tions or errors an SMS or E‑mail is sent to defined receivers.

Energy management

RMS­Main con­trols the machines for opti­mal ener­gy sav­ing. After com­ple­tion of the last job for a machine the machine is turned off. If need­ed, a machine is turned on at a cer­tain, pro­grammed time for exam­ple one hour before the shift starts or when new jobs for a machine exist.

Etikettendruck Datamatrixcode
Printing of labels

In order to clear­ly mark a work­piece after it is tak­en off of the pal­let with Chip-ID labels may be print­ed. Alter­na­tive­ly a data matrix code may be engraved direct­ly into the work­piece at the end of a machin­ing oper­a­tion. The data matrix code is gen­er­at­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly from a text defined in the job. Labels may also be print­ed for mark­ing tool hold­ers, option­al­ly also with data matrix code.