
Röders GmbH Detail Drosselklappengehaeuse


  • Auto­mat­ed
  • Reli­able
  • With­out per­ma­nent monitoring

The ground­break­ing PRECITEMP® tech­nol­o­gy from Roed­ers enables realy unmanned parts pro­duc­tion, even with tight tol­er­ances. Ther­mal dis­place­ments of the machine, mov­ing zero points or chang­ing machine geome­tries are overcome:

Röders GmbH Drosselklappengehaeuse Maschine RXP601DS Schunk-Zentrumspanner Detail
Röders GmbH Cycle Conegrinding Detail
  • 3‑xis or 5‑axis
  • If nec­es­sary, milling and grind­ing in one set-up
  • Space-sav­ing, high­ly effi­cient automa­tion solu­tions for one or more machines
  • Direct clamp­ing of parts or on pal­lets, mixed oper­a­tion also possible
  • Short tool change times
Would you like more details about PRECITEMP®, download here.

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    Röders GmbH Maschine mit RCF150

    3‑axis-machining and jig grinding in XXL-format

    Röders GmbH RXU2000

    The new RXU2000 from Roed­ers achieves max­i­mum pre­ci­sion when work­pieces and moulds with par­tic­u­lar­ly large dimen­sions have to be machined. Designed for excep­tion­al accu­ra­cy com­bined with high per­for­mance in machin­ing hard­ened mate­ri­als, the machine has a work­ing area of 2,000 x 1,800 x 800 mm. The work table is designed for loads of up to 5.0 t. The Z‑axis stroke has been inten­tion­al­ly lim­it­ed in order to ensure max­i­mum accuracy.

    The RXU 2000 is suit­ed for 3D milling as well as for jig grind­ing, ver­ti­cal grind­ing or pro­file grind­ing. This com­bi­na­tion of oper­a­tions in one set-up on the same machine is par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing for many jobs in machine pro­duc­tion and mould making.

    Lin­ear direct dri­ves in all axes as well as a sophis­ti­cat­ed tem­per­a­ture man­age­ment sys­tem for the entire machine ensure the high­est pos­si­ble accu­ra­cy, even dur­ing long machin­ing jobs. Accu­ra­cies of less than 5 µm can be achieved in the entire work­ing area, as well as a round­ness of 1–2 µm depend­ing on the size of the bore.

    The RXU2000 is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for the pro­duc­tion of:

    • Large mould plates, e.g. for stamp­ing dies
    • Large, flat injec­tion moulds with fine con­tours (e.g. for seals), which have to be machined with rel­a­tive­ly small tools
    • Machine com­po­nents, e.g. guide rails
    • Large high-pre­ci­sion workpieces

    Reliable fully automated production

    RCF 150 — lin­ear very com­pact machine automa­tion for one or sev­er­al machines placed in a row:

    • Only 1.5 m wide includ­ing shelves
    • Max. work­piece weight 150 kg
    • Grip­per change for dif­fer­ent pal­let types and tools
    • quick­ly installed due to mod­u­lar design
    • easy to expand anytime
    Röders GmbH RCF 150 Automation Aussenansicht

    Cylindricity < 0.5 µm

    Röders Kameralinse

    A 24 cav­i­ty injec­tion mould for lens­es for mobile phones had been jig ground on a RHP500 machine with high­est pre­ci­sion pos­si­ble. This appli­ca­tion became espe­cial­ly chal­leng­ing, because the holes had only 8 mm diam­e­ter, the area to be jig ground began 15 mm below the mould sur­face and reached a depth of 45 mm. In con­se­quence, the holes had to be ground cylin­dri­cal with high­est pre­ci­sion on a total length of 30 mm. The request­ed cylin­dric­i­ty of 0.5 µm was achieved on all 24 cavities.

    Milling and Grinding

    Cut­ting or grind­ing tools with up to 200 mm diam­e­ter may auto­mat­i­cal­ly be changed into the main spin­dle by a new­ly devel­oped tool chang­er, which is placed below the bridge of the machine. For each tool an adjust­ed cool­ing sup­ply is changed as well, which allows per­fect cool­ing where need­ed for the cut­ting process.

    Röders Bearbeitung Kühlmittelzufuhr

    Machin­ing with a large grind­ing wheel with adjust­ed, like­wise auto­mat­i­cal­ly changed cool­ing sup­ply for the grind­ing process with large coolant volume

    Logo umati Partner

    Roeders is partner of umati initiative

    Roed­ers is part­ner of the umati ini­tia­tive of the Ger­man machine tool asso­ci­a­tion VDW (umati = uni­ver­sal machine tool interface).

    Moulds for liquid silicone rubber (LSR)

    Part­ing sur­faces of injec­tion moulds for liq­uid sil­i­cone rub­ber (LSR) are machined with high pre­ci­sion to final dimen­sions. No rework is nec­es­sary. The moulds are direct­ly used for flash-free production.

    HEIDENHAIN®# and ISO-Code (G‑Code)

    Verarbeitung von Klartext-Programmen

    For min­i­miz­ing train­ing peri­ods and facil­i­tat­ing the change of oper­a­tors among machines with dif­fer­ent NC-Con­trols, Roed­ers machines may be pro­grammed in HEIDENHAIN®#-NC-Code (with lim­it­ed scope) or ISO-Code (G‑Code). The NC-Pro­gram is cre­at­ed with sim­ple macros at the con­trol. Oper­a­tors know­ing the NC-com­mands in the respec­tive code do not need extra training.

    #Hei­den­hain is the reg­is­tered trade mark of the Dr. Johannes Hei­den­hain GmbH

    Reflector, material ELMAX 58 HRC

    Machin­ing results:

    Pre­ci­sion +/- 1 µm

    Sur­face qual­i­ty Ra 0.010 µm

    Röders Reflektor

    New possibilities in the watch industry

    The com­bi­na­tion of high pre­ci­sion air bear­ing spin­dles run­ning up to 90000 rpm with the lin­ear motor direct dri­ve tech­nol­o­gy of the Röders HSC machines allow for up to now unknown qual­i­ties in the watch indus­try. On the exhi­bi­tion EPHJ in Gene­va spe­cial­ists were con­vinced of the supe­ri­or qual­i­ty direct­ly at the machine. With the long-stand­ing com­pe­tence of Röders in automa­tion the machine may be adapt­ed to a high­ly effi­cient man­u­fac­tur­ing process at the customer.