Maschine RXU1001DBH

Spe­cial machine design for machin­ing BLINGS and sim­i­lar work­pieces from two sides in one set-up

  • With QUADROGUIDE® for high sta­bil­i­ty and dynamics 
  • All axes with direct drives
  • Milling spin­dle may be cho­sen depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion, up to 101 Nm (S1) available
Tech­ni­cal data
Machin­ing range800 mm x 855 mm x 500 mm
Swiv­el­ling range45 / — 195 degrees (oth­ers on request)
Rota­tion rangeAlmost unlim­it­ed
Table size355 mm round with inte­grat­ed 4‑fold quick clamp­ing sys­tem, oth­ers on request
Work­piece weightmax. 300 kg
Feed0–60,000 mm/min
Milling spin­dle (stan­dard)36.000 rpm, 15 kW, HSK E50,
max­i­mum tool diam­e­ter 20 mm
(oth­ers on request)
Tool chang­er24 (rotary – can be loaded dur­ing machin­ing)
option­al: 40 places or more
(chain chang­er – can be loaded dur­ing machin­ing)
inte­grat­ed mea­sur­ing laser
Chip dis­pos­alWith 2 screws into chip box behind the machine
or with addi­tion­al chip conveyor
Machine weight~21.0 t
Required spaceW 3500 mm x L 5300 mm x H 3550 mm
Innenraum RXU1001DBH
Machin­ing area RXU1001DBH
  • Spe­cial geom­e­try and clamp­ing of the BLING wheels on the rotary-swiv­el-unit for two-sided machin­ing of the BLING wheels in one set-up
  • Large swiv­el range from +45° to ‑195°
  • No counter bear­ing for allow­ing a very flex­i­ble acces­si­bil­i­ty when machin­ing the pock­ets between the wings of the BLING
  • Rein­forced swiv­el axis for increas­ing the sta­bil­i­ty of the one-sided fix­a­tion of the C‑axis
  • Cal­i­bra­tion of the machine geom­e­try with the spe­cial Roed­ers 5‑axis geom­e­try com­pen­sa­tion for high pre­ci­sion, also at long last­ing machin­ing operations
  • High res­o­lu­tion opti­cal encoders in all axes
  • Pow­er­ful wear-free direct dri­ves in all axes
  • Pre­cise tem­per­a­ture con­trol of machine components

Down­load Stroke posi­tion RXU1001DBH – 104 kB

Down­load Floor­plan RXU1001DBH – 195 kB