HSC Milling

Spindel - Technologie für das HSC-Fräsen

Technology for High Speed Cutting

Röders GmbH Externe Spindellängungskompensation
Exter­nal com­pen­sa­tion
of the spin­dle elongation
  • Imple­ment­ed with an accu­rate­ly tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled hold­er attached direct­ly in the cast of the Z axis
  • With a sen­sor for non-con­tact mea­sure-ment on the rotat­ing spin­dle shaft
  • Res­o­lu­tion in the nanome­ter range

Röders Maschinenbau große Werkzeugwechsler
Large tool changer
  • Self-designed tool chang­er solu­tions with var­i­ous speeds and sizes up to 199 tool places

Messlaser im Werkzeugwechsler
Mea­sur­ing laser in the tool changer
  • Mea­sur­ing laser and cal­i­bra­tion sphere locat­ed out­side the machin­ing area, where they are pro­tect­ed against chips and emul­sion or oil

Spray clean­ing
  • Tool spray clean­ing with sol­vent, fol­lowed by auto­mat­ic dry­ing for reli­able, high­ly accu­rate laser measurement

3D touch probe
  • High-pre­ci­sion mea­sure­ment of work­pieces with the 3D probe direct­ly in the machine, clean­ing with coolant before mea­sure­ment pos­si­ble, for auto­mat­ed machines option­al feed­back of the mea­sur­ing results to the cen­tral data­base; retrofittable

Emulsion, Öl und andere
Emul­sion, oil and others
  • Whether dry machin­ing, using min­i­mal lubri­ca­tion, stan­dard coolant or oil, solu­tions with accu­rate tem­per­a­ture con­trol avail­able for all variants
  • Suc­tion units for graphite or ceram­ic machin­ing optional