Data Consistency

Data Consistency – The Back Bone of Industry 4.0

An essen­tial fea­ture of Indus­try 4.0 com­pat­i­ble solu­tions is full data con­sis­ten­cy. In a per­ma­nent­ly chang­ing pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment any copy of data is imme­di­ate­ly out­dat­ed. There­fore, access to orig­i­nal data becomes deci­sive for avoid­ance of errors and high­est pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Roed­ers con­se­quent­ly imple­ments this by allow­ing access to orig­i­nal data in the machines and automa­tion any­time from any­where. All data is stored in a cen­tral data base system.

Monitor Datendurchgängigkeit
Real time information

With a web-based inter­face tool data of the machines may direct­ly be read. The CAM-pro­gram­mer as well as the pro­duc­tion man­ag­er can ver­i­fy the actu­al con­di­tion and avail­abil­i­ty of the tools in each machine and in the automa­tion via brows­er at their per­son­al com­put­er in real time.

Tablet Datendurchgängigkeit
Web-based check of machine condition

Also web-based, the con­di­tion of the machines in the work­shop may be checked.

  • What is being machined?
  • Is there a disruption?
  • How is the machin­ing progress?
  • How much longer will the machin­ing time be?
  • Etc.
    Of course access to this data is only allowed for autho­rized staff. Access rights may be man­aged as required.

Werkzeuge Datendurchgängigkeit
In view Anytime

Sta­tus and loca­tion of each work­piece, for exam­ple elec­trodes, in an automa­tion cell can be checked from any workplace.

Schnittstelle Datendurchgängigkeit
Logo umati Partner

Roed­ers is one of the lead­ing part­ners in real­iz­ing the umati inter­face. No mat­ter which machine data is request­ed from a super­or­di­nate lev­el for eval­u­a­tion, check­ing or con­trol­ling, Roed­ers gives access to this data through the stan­dard­ized umati interface.