
Control Technology

Terminal – PC-basierte Steuerung

PC-based control

  • Very sim­ple user interface
  • USB inter­face standard
  • 19” TFT screen standard
  • NC-pro­grams in ISO-for­mat or Heidenhain®#-format (with lim­it­ed scope), mixed code also possible
  • Com­pat­i­ble with INDUSTRY 4.0

Roeders of America graph vibration monitoring of the spindle

Vibration monitoring of the spindle

The use of high-speed spin­dles requires a lim­i­ta­tion of the max­i­mum spin­dle load in order to avoid bear­ing dam­age or a severe reduc­tion in ser­vice life. Option­al­ly, the spin­dles can be equipped with vibra­tion sen­sors. A func­tion in the con­trol can be acti­vat­ed that auto­mat­i­cal­ly reduces the feed and, if nec­es­sary, the RPM of the spin­dle in the event of high vibra­tions. In addi­tion, a coloured graph­ic illus­tra­tion of the vibra­tions along the milling path is pos­si­ble. As a result, any areas in the milling path with high vibra­tions can eas­i­ly be iden­ti­fied and can safe­ly be avoid­ed in recur­ring machin­ing process­es by adapt­ing the CAM programming.

Logo umati Partner

Roed­ers is part­ner of the umati ini­tia­tive of the Ger­man machine tool asso­ci­a­tion VDW (umati = uni­ver­sal machine tool inter­face). The umati inter­face enables a stan­dard­ized data trans­fer to the machines of numer­ous sup­pli­ers. umati is an essen­tial step towards indus­try 4.0.

Control Characteristics

Control technology optimised for HSC

Out­stand­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics of the Roed­ers RMS6 control:

  • Block pro­cess­ing time < 0.1 ms
  • Look ahead > 10,000 blocks
  • Con­tin­u­ous­ly improved spline interpolation

Newest Control Versions

Performance increase through control updates

Newest con­trol ver­sions also for old­er machines(from year of man­u­fac­ture 1995) avail­able at low cost with the spe­cial Roed­ers update service

> High­er pre­ci­sion, bet­ter sur­face qual­i­ty and sig­nif­i­cant­ly short­er machin­ing times

Speed Optimisation

Automatic minimisation of vibrations

Auto­mat­ic spin­dle speed opti­mi­sa­tion by the machine with­in a user-selec­table range in order to min­imise vibra­tions and achieve the high­est pos­si­ble sur­face qual­i­ty; patent pending

Tangential Transitions

Tangential transitions

Patent­ed func­tion to avoid off­sets in tran­si­tion­al areas if sev­er­al dif­fer­ent tools are used for machining

  • Auto­mat­ic mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the machin­ing pro­grams for tan­gen­tial transitions



  • Sim­ple indi­vid­ual pro­gram­ing of post­proces­sors for all CAD/­CAM-sys­tems with the help of the Roed­ers post­proces­sor handbook
  • Stan­dard post­proces­sors avail­able at Roeders
  • Com­plete out­put of all NC-para­me­ters by the CAM-sys­tem
    Pro­gram­ing at the machine con­trol not necessary

Röders GmbH Steuerung Screen 1
Röders GmbH Steuerung Screen 2
Röders GmbH Steuerung Screen 3
  • Pro­cess­ing of ISO-NC-pro­grams (G‑code) or Heidenhain®#-NC-programs (with lim­it­ed scope) possible
  • very short famil­iar­iza­tion time
  • Changeover between Roed­ers con­trol and Fanuc, Siemens, Hei­den­hain or oth­ers very easy for oper­a­tors, because the famil­iar NC-pro­gram­ing lan­guage does not change
  • Auch gemis­chte Ver­wen­dung von ISO- und Heidenhain®#-Befehlen erlaub­tAl­so a mixed use of ISO-NC-com­mands and Heidenhain®#-NC-commands is allowed

Screenshot optimaler Werkzeugeinsatz

Optimised use of tools

Numer­ous func­tions for opti­mised use of tools

  • Sis­ter tools
  • Wear cri­te­ria
  • Max­i­mum tool life travel
  • Mea­sure­ment strategies
  • Geom­e­try iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and test
  • etc.

Röders GmbH Steuerung RACECUT

Further control functions

  • RACECUT® – Per­for­mance boost in machin­ing 3D contours
  • 32 kHz dri­ve con­trol fre­quen­cy and an opti­mized tool path plan­ning in the con­trol lead to sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tions of machin­ing times, up to 20% while sur­face qual­i­ty and pre­ci­sion remain equal
  • Since the ener­gy con­sump­tion of the machine is rel­a­tive­ly con­stant regard­less of the select­ed dynam­ics, the ener­gy sav­ing is of the same dimension

#Hei­den­hain is the reg­is­tered trade mark of the Dr. Johannes Hei­den­hain GmbH.