
Röders GmbH Gear Machining Grinding Header small


On the mod­ern 5‑axis Roed­ers High Speed Cut­ting machines dif­fer­ent gears may be pro­duced by milling and grind­ing also in very hard mate­ri­als with very high pre­ci­sion. Machine size and milling spin­dle are cho­sen from a large prod­uct range for adapt­ing to the require­ments of the indi­vid­ual gear pro­duc­tion with high­est effi­cien­cy. With automa­tion, for exam­ple the RCS devices, extreme­ly low pro­duc­tion costs are achieved, also for sin­gle pieces.

Röders GmbH Gear Machining Grinding
Röders GmbH Gear Machining Grinding 02
Röders GmbH 200320 Zahnradfertigung

Röders Maschinenbau Verzahnung

The pro­gram­ming of the gears is accom­plished with the espe­cial­ly for gear pro­duc­tion devel­oped soft­ware from the EUKLID CAD/CAM AG, very sim­ple and fast. Roed­ers offers full sup­port of the com­plete process chain, pro­gram­ming and production.

Logo Euklid


Machined on RXU1001DSH, ø 450 mm, 60 HRC