
Roeders of America Header Precitemp

Measuring in the machine

Roeders of America graph measuring in the machine

The reli­able geo­met­ric sta­bil­i­ty of the RPT machines enables qual­i­ty con­trol of the machined work­pieces direct­ly in the machine. Roed­ers offers pro­ce­dures for geo­met­ric pre­ci­sion con­trol of the machines, which check their mea­sur­ing accu­ra­cy. In this way, the extra step of work­piece qual­i­ty con­trol in a sep­a­rate mea­sur­ing room can be saved for many appli­ca­tions. The mea­sure­ment pro­to­cols and mea­sure­ment strate­gies were devel­oped togeth­er with well-known providers of mea­sur­ing equipment.

Renishaw’s Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty+™ is a pos­si­ble solu­tion for oper­at­ing the Roed­ers machine for qual­i­ty con­trol, e.g. by mea­sur­ing stan­dard geome­tries like round­ness, even­ness, dis­tance etc.

Alter­na­tive­ly the soft­ware INSPECT from HEXAGON may be utilized.