Online Remote Diagnosis

Almost from the very start, remote diag­no­sis over tele­phone line or the Inter­net was a firm part of the Roed­ers con­trol tech­nol­o­gy. Appli­ca­tion prob­lems espe­cial­ly can be rec­ti­fied very quick­ly and effi­cient­ly in this way.

Our ser­vice tech­ni­cians are able to check all para­me­ters and logs of the con­trol sys­tem direct­ly via a tele­phone con­nec­tion. In the event of a fault in the machine, it can be localised very quick­ly. Should it become nec­es­sary for the ser­vice tech­ni­cian to vis­it the cus­tomer after all, the pre­lim­i­nary analy­sis means that the tech­ni­cian can already bring the right spare parts and fur­ther delays are avoided.

The cus­tomer decides when access is to be allowed; the online ser­vice can only gain access to con­trols that have been enabled accordingly.

The online remote diag­no­sis helps to ensure a high lev­el of machine availability.

At present, we rec­om­mend that online remote diag­no­sis is per­formed with the aid of the “TeamView­er” software.