Roeders of America

Roeders Machines Blisk ProductionRoeders Machines Jig Grinding Injection Mould Mobile Phone LensesRoeders Machines Carbide Machining PunchRoeders Machines Watch StrapRoeders Machines Optical ComponentsRoeders Machines Dental ExamplesRoeders Machines Production Small Batches and PrototypesRoeders Machines GearsRoeders Machines Minting TechnologyRoeders Machines Cutting tool

Outstanding High Speed Technologies —
Welcome to Roeders of America

For more than 30 years Roed­ers has been devel­op­ing the High Speed Cut­ting Tech­nol­o­gy. The ulti­mate goals are pre­ci­sion, sur­face qual­i­ty and dynam­ics. Over 300 machines have been installed in North Amer­i­ca. Typ­i­cal appli­ca­tions are

  • Mould and die pro­duc­tion for injec­tion mould­ing, die cast­ing, forg­ing and other
  • Den­tal pro­duc­tion of crowns, bridges, abut­ments etc.
  • High pre­ci­sion pro­duc­tion parts
  • Mint­ing technology
  • Opti­cal Components
  • Impeller, Blisks, tur­bine blades

Roed­ers sup­plies the machines, the com­plete automa­tion, also for mul­ti­ple machines, and the appli­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy with respect to pro­gram­ming strate­gies, cut­ters etc. Region­al exclu­sive Roed­ers ser­vice tech­ni­cians sup­port the cus­tomers with­in short­est response times. All this insures high­est pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty and availability.

Roed­ers of Amer­i­ca is hiring!

Vis­it Röders Ger­many for detailed prod­uct and com­pa­ny information.