RXP400DS – 5‑axis machine

Maschine RXP400DS

High­ly pre­cise micro-machining

  • Applic­a­ble for all materials
  • Elec­trodes, small moulds, watch­es etc.


RXP501DSC – 5‑axis machine

Maschine RXP501DSC

C‑axis more eccen­tric com­pared to RXP501DS

  • Bet­ter access to work­piece for large swiv­el angles
  • With sec­ond bear­ing for swiv­el axis
    guar­an­tee­ing high stiffness
  • No break for C‑axis


RXP601DS – 5‑axis machine

Maschine RXP601DS

High­est pos­si­ble dynam­ics through extreme­ly pow­er­ful direct dri­ves, also in the rotary axes

  • High­ly pre­cise due to spe­cial Röders geom­e­try compensation
  • Stan­dard chucks, includ­ing UPC Erowa, may be integrated
  • Machine fits into a stan­dard con­tain­er for transportation


RXP601DSH – 5‑axis machine

Maschine RXP601DSH

High­est pos­si­ble dynam­ics through extreme­ly pow­er­ful direct dri­ves, also in the rotary axes

  • High­ly pre­cise due to spe­cial Roed­ers geom­e­try compensation
  • Max­i­mum work­piece size in height and diam­e­ter sig­nif­i­cant­ly larg­er than on RXP601DS


RXP950DSH – 5‑axis machine

Maschine RXP950DSH

High­est pos­si­ble dynam­ics through extreme­ly pow­er­ful direct dri­ves, also in the rotary axes

  • High­ly pre­cise due to spe­cial Roed­ers geom­e­try compensation
  • Strong rotary and swiv­el unit, iden­ti­cal with the one of the RXU1001DSH


RXU1001DSH – 5‑axis machine

Maschine RXU1001DSH

With QUADROGUIDE® for high rough­ing capac­i­ty, dynam­ics and precision

  • All axes with direct drives
  • Milling spin­dle may be cho­sen depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion, up to 101 Nm (S1) available
  • Com­pared to the RXU1000DSH the trav­el in X‑direction and the max­i­mum work­piece diam­e­ter are increased, the off­set of the C‑axis is higher


RXU1201DSH – 5‑axis machine

Maschine RXU1201DSH

With QUADROGUIDE® for high rough­ing capac­i­ty, dynam­ics and precision

  • All axes with direct drives
  • Milling spin­dle may be cho­sen depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion, up to 101 Nm (S1) available
  • Ide­al for forg­ing dies, mould and die mak­ing, aero­space indus­try, med­ical appli­ca­tions, machine pro­duc­tion and part manufacturing


RXP400 – 3‑axis machine

Maschine RXP400

Opti­mized for

  • Micro-machin­ing
  • Mint­ing technology
  • Small steel moulds
  • Elec­trodes


RXP500 – 3‑axis machine

Maschine RXP500

All-pur­pose HSC machine for medi­um-sized moulds and tools

  • Com­plete machin­ing is pos­si­ble in one set-up


RXP950 – 3‑axis machine

Maschine RXP950

Rel­a­tive­ly large RXP machine
for real High Speed Cutting

  • High dynam­ics due to light
    con­struc­tion of all axes